Article Submissions
CLS publishes original scholarly articles on a wide range of critical comparative topics. Manuscripts should be between 7,000 to 12,000 words including endnotes and quotations, and must include an additional 200-word abstract. CLS does not accept manuscripts simultaneously submitted elsewhere or articles previously published, in any language.
Our review process takes approximately six months. We accept and publish approximately 20% of submissions. Following an initial screening by the Senior Editor and members of the CLS editorial team, suitable manuscripts are sent to two and sometimes three experts in the relevant areas.
CLS uses a double-blind peer review process. Please do not include any personally identifying information in the manuscript of your initial submission. All references to an author’s previous publications should be phrased using the third person.
Submissions should be formatted as a Word document. Please double-space the entire manuscript (including notes and block quotations) in Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1-inch margins all around, using Letter size (8.5” x 11”) paper (not A-4). Pages should be numbered consecutively at the top right margin from beginning to end.
CLS adheres to the guidelines of the most recent edition of The Chicago Manual of Style with some exceptions. For example, we use the endnote style, but we do not ask for a separate list of “Works Cited” or bibliographies; all works cited should be incorporated into endnotes. All quotes should be in both the original language and in English translation.
For more specific guidelines, authors should consult the CLS style sheet.
CLS does not accept submissions by email. To submit a manuscript electronically, please create an account at Editorial Manager, where you must register before uploading your submission. Direct questions to