VOL. 6, No. 1, 1969
Nonheroic Tragedy: A Pedigree for American Tragic Drama
Samuel L. Macey
The Music of”The Waste Land”
Paul Chancellor
Unamuno and Thoreau
R. L. Predmore
Daisy Miller, Tradition, and the European Heroine
Motley F. Deakin
The Anti-Surrealism of Christopher Caudwell
Paul C. Ray
From Abraham to Andrenio: Observations on the Evolution of the Abraham Legend, Its Diffusion in Spain, and Its Relation to the Theme of the Self-taught Philosopher
VOL. 6, No. 2, 1969
Seferis and the “Mythical Method”
Edmund Keeley
Nikos Kazantzakis: Odysseus as Phenomenon
Andreas K. Poulakidas
Nikos Kazantzakis and Chaucer
M. Byron Raizis
Mickiewicz’ Konrad Wallenrod: An Attempt at Reappraisal
Konstanty Zantuan
The Grotesque and the Aesthestic Response in Shakespeare, Dickens, and Gunter Grass
Michael Steig
Book Reviews
Karl R. Wallace, Francis Bacon on the Nature of Man
Virgil K. Whitaker
Brian Vickers, Francis Bacon and Renaissance Prose
Karl R. Wallace
Alexander A. Parker, Literature and the Delinquent: The Picaresque Novel in Spain and Europe
Dale B. J. Randall
H.-F. Imbert, Les Metamorphoses de la liberte ou Stendhal devant la Restauration et le Risorgimento
Murray Sachs
Victor Brombert, The Novels of Flambery: A study of Themes and Techniques
Raymond Giraud
Par M.- A. Ruff, Rimbaud
E. Noulet
Par Rene Etiemble, Le Sonnet des Voyelles
E. Noulet
Roger B. Stein, John Ruskin and Aesthetic Thought in America: 1840-1900
James Woodress
William V. Spanos, The Christian Tradition in Modern British Verse Drama: The Poetics of Sacramental Time
Donna Gerstenberger
Eugene H. Falk, Types of Thematic Structure: The Nature and Function of Motifs in Gide, Camus, and Satre
Jean-Paul Weber
Sergio Moravia, Il tramonto dell’illuminismo: Filosofia e politica nella societa francese
Alfred J. Bingham
VOL. 6, No. 3, 1969
Introduction:Shifting Trends in Narrative Criticism
A. O. Aldridge
The Sermon and the Novel in France: The Example of Bourdaloue
Georges May
Fact in Fiction
Victor Lange
From Gusle to Tape Recorder
Harry Levin
Golden Birds and Dying Generartions
Sheldon Sacks
Paradise Lost and the Iliad
Martin Mueller
Thoughts on History and the Novel
Ursula Brumm
Book Reviews
H. F. Lourier, Crusaders as Conquerors: the Chronicle or Morea
K. Mitsakis
K. Mitsakis, Der byzantinische Alexanderroman nach dem Codex vindob. Theol. gr. 244
Mark Naoumides
Christopher Logue, Patrocleia of Homer: A New Vision
Warren Anderson
Stith Thompson, One Hundred Favorite Folktales
John T. Flanagan
Rodney Delasanta, The Epic Voice
Robert H. West
Slyvere Monod, Dickens the Novelist
John R. Reed
Bernard C. Meyer, Joseph Conrad: A Psychoanalytic Biography
Zdzislaw Nadjer
Malcom Cowley, The File: Letters and Memoirs. 1944-1962
Calvin S. Brown
VOL. 6, No, 4, 1969
Le Mythe de Rimbaud en Hongrie
An Outline of the Italian Enlightment
Sergio Moravia
Le Legislateur and the Patriot King: A case of Intellectual Kinship
Dennis J. Fletcher
Idea and Hertitage in Soviet Literature
Nicolaes Rzhevsky
Eighteenth-Century Neoclassical French Influences on E. A. Baratynsky and Pushpin
Glynn Barratt
Book Reviews
Yvor Winters, Forms of Discovery: Critical and Historical Essays on the Forms of the Short Poem in English
Fred C. Robinson
William V. Spanos, The Christian Tradition in Modern British Verse Drama: The Poetics of Sacramental Time
Ralph J. Mills, Jr.
Paul J. Alpers, The Poetry of The Faerie Queene
Robert L. Montgomery
John R. Elliott, Jr., The Prince of Poets: Essays on Edmund Spenser
Humphrey Tonkin
Peter Gay, The Enlightenment: An Interpretation, Vol.1, The Rise of Modern Paganism
Alfred J. Bingham
Henri Troyat, Tolstoy
N. Rzhevsky
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Edward Wasiolek, and Katherine Strelsky, The Notebooks for The Idiot
Temira Pachmuss
Edmund Keeley and Phillip Sherrard, George Seferis: Collected Poems 1924-1955
K. Mitsakis