VOL. 31, No. 1, 1994
On the Edge of Literariness: The Writing of Letters
Claudio Guillén
Dante in Russian Symbolist Discourse
John M. Kopper
Echoes of Orpheus in Werewere Liking’s Orphée- Dafric and Wole Soyinka’s Season of Anomy
Iréne Assiba d’Almeida
Review Essay
Gustavo Pérez Firmat, ed., Do the Americas Have a Common Literature?
Earl E. Fitz
Book Reviews
Eric J. Ziolkowski, The Sanctification of Don Quixote: From Hidalgo to Priest
(James A. Parr)
Dian Fox, Refiguring the Hero: From Peasant to Noble in Lope de Vega and Calderón
(Melveena McKendrick)
Earl E. Fitz, Rediscovering the New World: Inter-American Literature in a Comparative Context
(Ronald W. Sousa)
Peter Carafiol, The American Ideal: Literary History as a Worldly Activity
(Merton M. Sealts, Jr.)
Averil Cameron, Christianity and the Rhetoric of Empire: The Development of Christian Discourse
(Geoorge A. Kennedy)
Ingeborg Hoesterey, ed., Zeitgeist in Babel
(André Lefevere)
Thomas Harrison, ed., Nietzsche in Italy
(John Neubauer)
James F. Murphy, The Proletarian Movement The Controversy over Leftism in Literature
(Philip Jenkins)
Ann Fehn, Ingeborg Hosterey, and Maria Tavlor, eds., Neverending Stories: Toward a Critical Narratology
(Wendell V. Harris)
Earl Miner, Comparative Poetics : An Intercultural Essay on Theories of Literature
(Raymond A. Prier)
VOL. 31, No. 2, 1994
Thomas Mann’s Sexual Politics- Lost in Translation
Frederick A. Lubich
A Gathering of Nobodies: The Oldest Joke in the World and ItsTraces in Cervantes and Hispanic Literatures
Joseph R. Jones
A. Owen Aldridge Prize Winner
The Leopardskin of Dao and the Icon of Truth: Natural Birth Versus Mimesis in Chinese and Western Literary Theories
Liang Shi
Book Reviews
W. J. Dodd, Kafka and Dostoevsky: The Shaping of Influence
(James Rolleston)
George P. Landow, Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology
(Frederick Turner)
David Damrosch, The Narrative Covenant: Transforrnations of Genre in the Growth of Biblical Literature
(Robert L. Cohn)
Joseph A. Dane, The Critical Mythology of Irony
(Lilian R. Furst)
Arnold Weinstein, The Fiction of Relationship
(Walter A. Strauss)
Jerry A. Varsava, Contingent Meanings: Postmodern Fiction, Mimesis, and the Reader
(Susan Derwin)
Cathy Caruth, Empirical Truths and Critical Fictions: Locke, Wordsworth, Kant, Freud
(John Baker)
John McGowan, Postmodernism and Its Critics
(Allan Megill)
James F. Murphy, The Proletarian Movement
(Philip Jenkins)
VOL. 31, NO. 3, 1994
Sur quelques traductions de Voyellesen russe, polonais, hongrois
René Etiemble
Shine it like a comet of revenge: Seneca, John Studley, and Shakespeare’s Joan la Pucelle
M. L. Stapleman
Die Verwandlung Deterritorialized Hedayat’s Appropriation ofKafka
Nasrin Rahimieh
The Grammar of the Portrait: The Construct of the Artist in David Grossman, The Book of Internal Grammar, and James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Rachel Feldhay Brenner
Book Reviews
John B. Henderson, Scripture, Canoan, and Commentary: A Comparison of Confucian and Western Exegesis
(Eugene Eoyang)
Ruth Newton and Naomi Lebowitz, The Impossible Romance: Dickens, Manzoni, Zola, and James
(Gregory Maertz)
Doris Y. Kadish, Politicizing Gender: Narrative Strategies in the Aftermath of the French Revolution
(Barbara T. Cooper)
Herbert Lindenberger, The History in Literature: On Value, Genre, lnstitutions
(John Neubauer)
Zachary Leader, Writer’s Block
(Robert Rehder)
Fedwa Malti-Douglas, Woman’s Body, Woman’s Word: Gender and Discourse in Arabo-Islamic Writing
(Patricia Geesey)
Robert C. Holub, Crossing Borders: Reception Theory, Poststructuralism, Deconstruction
(André Lefevere)
VOL. 31, NO. 4, 1994
Englishing Ariosto: Orlando Furioso at the Court of Elizabeth I
Miranda Johnson-Haddad
Landscape and Symbol in the British and German Literature of World War I
Ann P. Linder
In the Interstices between Symbol and Allegory: Montale’s Figurative Mode
William Pranke
Book Reviews
George A. Panichas, The Critic as Conservator: Essays in Literature, Society, and Culture
(A. Owen Aldridge)
Susan L. Fischer, Comedias del Siglo de Oro and Shakespeare
(Louise Fothergill-Payne)
Lawrence Kramer, Music as Cultural Practice, 1800-1900
(John Neubauer)
Richard Maxwell, The Mysteries of Paris and London
(Burton Pike)
Anne Golomb Hoffman, Between Exile and Return: S. Y. Agnon and the Drama of Writing
(Gila Safran-Naveh)
Alice Stone Nakhimovsky, Russian-Jewish Literature and Identity; Jabotinsky, Babel, Grossman, Galich, Roziner, Markish
(Maurice Friedberg)
Anthony J. Cascardi, The Subject of Modernity
(Jeffrey T. Nealon)
Raymond Adolph Prier, Countercurrents: On the Primacy of Texts in Literary Criticism
(Alan F. Nagel)
Elizabeth C. Goldsmith, ed., Writing the Female Voice: Essays on Epistolary Literature
(Thomas O. Beebee)
Steven Hutchinson, Cervantine Journeys
(James A. Parr)