VOL. 28, No. 1, 1991
Ruralism in Chinese Poetry: Some Versions of Chinese Pastoral
Stephen Field
Ortega, Heidegger, and Beginning Again in Don Quixote
Stephen Rupp
Not T. S. Eliot, hur Proust: Revisionary Modernism in Nabokov’s Pale Fire
John Burt Foster, Jr.
A Girl Need Never Go Wrong Or The Female Servant as Ideological Image in Germinie Lacerteux and Esther Waters
Nancy R. Cirillo
Socrates as Unrragic Hero: Satyric Pedagogy in Modern European Narrative
Lynne S. Vieth
Book Reviews
Rosanna Warren, The Art of Translation Voices from the Field
(Andre Lefevere)
Karl Kroeber, Romantic Fantasy and Science Fiction
(Brooks Landon)
Stoddard Martin, The Rise of Magic as Religion and its Relation to Literature
(James F. Burke)
Corinna del Greco Lobner, James Joyce’s Italian Connection: The Poetics of the Word
(Michael Begnal)
VOL. 28, No. 2, 1991
Aristotle’s Critique of Mimesis: The Romantic Prelude
Terryl L. Givens
The Death of Actaeon as Petrarchist Topos
Stephen Murphy
The Golden Age in the Cycles of History: Analogous Visions of Shakespeare and Chekhov
Robert B. Bennett
Saint Basil’s Cathedral as a Symbol of the Otherness of Russia
Irena Grudzinska Gross
Book Reviews
David Baguley, Naturalist Fiction: The Entropic Vision
(Lilian R. Furst)
Brian T. Fitch, Beckett and Babel: An Investigation into the Status of the Bilingnal Work
(Arnold Weinstein)
Robert Richmond Ellis, The Tragic Pursuit of Being Unamuno and Sartre
(Stephen J. Summerhill)
Wolfgang Iser, Prospecting: From Reader Response to Literary Anthropology
(André Lefevere)
Jonathan Arac, Critical Genealogies: Historical Situations for Postmodern Literary Studies
(Stephen Melville)
Julia Kristeva, Language: The Unknown: An Initiation Into Linguistics
(Michal Peled Ginsburg)
VOL. 28, No. 3, 1991
Lovers in Disguise: A Feature of Romantic Love in Metji Literature
Taliayuki Muraloami
Lafcadio Hearn’s Yuki-Onna and Baudelaire’s Les Bienfaits de la Lune
Yoko Makino
Machiko and Pride and Prejudice
Yoshiko Enomoto
Akutagawa Ryunosuke and Spiritualism
Tsuneo Kurachi
Sanskrit and American Humor: Parallels and Influences in the Animal Fable
Daniel J. Bisquard
Venus and Adonis in Shimazaki Tõson’s Literary Evolution
Saburõ Satõ
Sonnets in Japan
Kimio Takahashi
Ideological Transformation by Translation Izu no Odoriko
S. Harrison Watson
Book Reviews
Gauri Viswanathan, Masks of Conqust: Literary Study and British Rule in Jndia
(Bruce King)
John Biguenet and Rainer Schulte, eds., The Craft of Translation
(André Lefevere)
Peter H. Lee, eds., Modern Korean Literature: An Anthology
(Seong- Kon Kim)
VOL. 28, No. 4, 1991
The Text as Mediator: Ovid and Juan Ruiz
Margaret Parker
Evil Be Thou My Good: Postmodern Heroics and Ethics in Billy Bathgate and Bufo & Spallanzani
Nelson H. Vieira
Richard Wright’s The Outsider and the Kierkegaardian Concept of Dread
Sandra Adell
On the Transference of Modes of Speech (or Thought) from Chinese Narrative Fiction into English
Dan Shen
Poetry, Play, and the Court in the Tosa Nikki
Meera Viswanathan
Book Reviews
James J. Wilhelm, ed., Lyrics of the Middle Ages: An Anthology
(Robert R. Edwards)
Prisca von Dorotka Bagnell and Patricia Spencer Soper, eds., Perceptions of Aging in Literature: A Cross-Cultural Study
(Kenneth Mayers)
Reading Opera, eds. Arthur Groos and Roger Parker
(Ulrich Weisstein)
Michael Riffaterre, Fictional Truth
(Michal Peled Ginsburg)